[plt-scheme] patch to suppress "missing out.sxref" warning

From: Dave Herman (dherman at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Sat Nov 22 14:39:02 EST 2008

Attached is the smallest patch required to fix the annoying popup window 
that says

WARNING: open-input-file: cannot open input file: "C:\Documents and 
Settings\dherman\Application Data\PLT 
(The system cannot find the path specified.; errno=3)

in various places in the PLT toolchain, including the first time you run 
Check Syntax in DrScheme. I don't know what out.sxref is, nor why it 
exists for handin-server on some people's computers but not others. But 
this patch at least causes it not to complain about it.

The relevant file is $PLTHOME/collects/setup/xref.ss.

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