[plt-scheme] a single module split across several files

From: Daniel Roy (droy at mit.edu)
Date: Fri Nov 21 13:42:24 EST 2008

I have a question about using modules/units and physical code organization.

Simply put:  can I split a single module across several files so its easier
to work with?

More details: We had been using the Pretty Big language and (load ...)
commands to piece together a number of files totaling roughly 14,000 lines.
I've recently moved the code into the modules framework (which seems to be
necessary in order to get debugging across multiple files and other more
advanced functionality to work in DrScheme).  However, in the process, I had
to (naively) concatenate a number of files together as they referenced each
other.  If they were separate modules, they would have had cyclic
dependencies.  That said, they aren't really cyclic -- they really are a
single module.  Unfortunately it's also 6000 lines of code.  Using (load
...) doesn't work (at least my naive attempts at using load didn't work).

Now, undoubtedly there is some re-factoring that could be done to identify
reusable and generic components that I could separate out as other modules
and reduce this file to a manageable size.   But this is a research project
not a software development one and the form and structure of the code is
subject to radical changes.  Can I get the benefit of modules (better
optimization? debugging? etc?) without being forced to move dependent code
into the same physical file?


Daniel Roy
(mobile) +1 617 872 3267
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