[plt-scheme] Re: lambda-apply-values
What about
(map (lambda (p) (apply blah-fn p))
Stephen De Gabrielle wrote:
> Hi,
> something I seem to often do is use list as structures, (and have lists
> of these)
> eg
> #lang scheme
> (define people '(("Guy" 40 man) ("Maddona" 50 woman)))
> I am often doing something like;
> (map (λ (person)
> (let ((name (car person))
> (age (car person))
> (gender (car person)))
> (blah-fn name age gender)
> ) people)
> I could, but don't often, do (map (λ (name age gender) (blah-fn name age
> gender) ) (map car people) (map cadr people) (map caddr people))
> I realise this is a bit rubbish and have thought of a better way;
> (map (λ (person)
> (let-values ([(name age gender) (apply values person)])
> (blah-fn name age gender)
> )) people)
> I sort of suspect that a macro might be the ticket - like;
> (define-syntax-rule (lambda-apply-values-person1 values-list blah-fn x y z)
> (λ (values-list)
> (let-values ([(x y z) (apply values values-list)])
> (blah-fn x y z)
> )))
> (map (lambda-apply-values-person1 person (lambda args (display args)) x
> y z) people)
> which works but doesn't handle multiple identifiers;
> (define-syntax lambda-apply-values-person2
> (syntax-rules ()
> (lambda-apply-values-person2 values-list ...)
> (λ (values-list)
> (let-values ([(...) (apply values values-list)])
> (list ...)
> ))))
> of course this doesn't work. I suspect I can't do this with syntax-rules
> and need to look at syntax-case and the syntax form.
> Because I do this all the time I'm sure that others have a better way.
> What do you do?
> Cheers,
> Stephen
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