[plt-scheme] Need more class examples?
On Nov 18, 2008, at 1:38 PM, Veer wrote:
> Hello,
> This code :
> (define my-area% (class* object% (area<%>)
> (init min-width)
> (define mini-width min-width)
> (define/public (get-top-level-window)
> this)
> (define/public (get-parent)
> #f)
> (define/public (stretchable-height)
> #f)
> (define/public (stretchable-width)
> #f)
> (define/public (get-graphical-min-size)
> 0)
> (define/public (min-width)
> 0)
> (define/public (min-height)
> 0)
> (super-new)))
> complains :
> "class*: duplicate declared identifier in: min-width "
> My question is how you implement class method and init variable with
> same name?
> I tried to read the class reference manual , but its too complex for
> me at the moment, so some examples
> will be of great help.
If you make it a (public) field, you can use the "renamed" version of
the 'init-field' syntax:
(class* object% (area<%>)
(init-field ((mini-width min-width)))
That declares two things:
- an initialization argument with an "external name" of 'min-width'
- a field named 'mini-width', whose initial value comes from the
initialization argument
If you don't want to make it a public field, then you can do this:
(class* object% (area<%>)
(init ((-min-width min-width)))
(define mini-width -min-width)
Then you'd have three names instead of just two:
- 'min-width' is the external name of the initialization argument
- '-min-width' is the internal name of the initialization argument
- 'mini-width' is the name of the private instance variable
> Thanks
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