[plt-scheme] SLaTeX: getting it to work
Yes. I'll put the contents of the batch file here in case anyone else,
some time in the future, has the same problem and reads this thread:
del .Z*
copy mytex.tex "C:\Program Files\PLT"
cd "C:\Program Files\PLT"
slatex --no-latex mytex.tex
del mytex.tex
move .Z* C:\Users\Bas\Documents\mydir
I saved this text as slatex.bat and put it in
C:\Users\Bas\Documents\mydir where mytex.tex also resides. I also had to
copy C:\Program Files\PLT\collects\slatex\slatex.sty once to
C:\Users\Bas\Documents\mydir to be able to run LaTeX on mytex.tex there.
Thanks again for all the help!
Robby Findler schreef:
> Easier than that is if you first cd to the directory containing the
> .tex file and run slatex from that directory, I suspect.
> Robby
> On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 10:20 AM, Bas Steunebrink <bass at cs.uu.nl> wrote:
>> Well it's already easy enough to just write a little batch file that copies
>> the .tex file to the PLT directory, runs SLaTeX there, and then moves the
>> .Z* files back. Create shortcut to batch file, done! <5min work to go from
>> 1% to 100%. ;-) Sorry to skip the cygwin/term sorcery, but I'm getting a bit
>> tired of this whole issue myself now, and this already works like a charm.
>> :-)
>> Bas