[plt-scheme] xml library: getting DTD information
On May 25, 2008, at 9:29 AM, Richard Cobbe wrote:
> I'm having a little difficulty with the XML library, and I'm not sure
> whether this is a bug in the library or in my XML file.
This is regression advice rather than actual advice, but it might be
helpful: have you tried parsing the same file with the sxml library?
It'll be something like
(require (planet "sxml.ss" (lizorkin "sxml.plt" 2 0)
(planet "ssax.ss" (lizorkin "ssax.plt" 2 0)))
(xml->sxml (open-input-file ...))
I've probably got the minor revision number wrong on one of these... I
seem to recall a 2.1 in there.
Ignore if not useful,
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