[plt-scheme] match library for r6rs
I'm trying to find a match library for r6rs. Using the match library
from mzlib didn't work.
Following program worked for r5rs:
(module match-testing mzscheme
(require (lib "plt-match.ss" "mzlib"))
(match '(1 2 1)
((list a b a) (display "foo")))
Trying to write it in r6rs leads to an error message:
(library (match-test)
(import (rnrs)
(mzlib plt-match)
(match '(1 2 1)
((list a b a) (display "foo")))
match: no matching clause for {1 2 1}
I also tried mzscheme/match or scheme/match with the same results. I
don't even know, if they are the same library.
In the Ikarus code I also found a match library that was ported to r6rs.
But using this library with DrScheme leads to following error message:
match.ss:377:6: compile: bad syntax; function application is not
allowed, because no #%app syntax transformer is bound
Now, I can't see any solution.
Thanks. Stefan Ballnat
PS: I'm using DrScheme
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