[plt-scheme] Run a function when pressing start in drscheme

From: Filipe Cabecinhas (filcab at gmail.com)
Date: Sun May 4 06:25:02 EDT 2008


On 4 May, 2008, at 02:25, Robby Findler wrote:

> But maybe if we knew a little bit more of the specifics, we could
> suggest an alternative.
> Robby

I'm working on a program that, when it starts, has to open a  
connection to another program. When opening the connection, one  
instance of the other program is started (even if there is already  
another instance running. I can't change this). The other program has  
to load about 100MB to memory so I don't want it just hanging there  
and having to go to the task manager to close it.

So I wanted to register a function to be run whenever the scheme  
exited, so I could close the program.

Thanks for the help

   - Filipe Cabecinhas

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