[plt-scheme] yield-oriented sequence constructor
I had an idea for doing Python-style yield, but separating out the
sequence (and generator) from the yielding expression. In particular,
yield is just a top-level procedure rather than being a magic word in
a yield-defining macro (like in Matthias's version on the PLT Scheme
weblog), and a procedure that calls yield is just an ordinary
procedure, rather than being magically transformed into a generator
(like in Python). By default, yield just prints, but in the dynamic
extent of a sequence constructor, it delivers its arguments to the
sequence's consumer (e.g. an iteration or a generator). Let me know
if you spot any potential problems with the following implementation
strategy using continuations:
(define (default-yield-proc . vals)
(for-each (current-print) vals))
(define current-yield-proc
(make-parameter default-yield-proc))
(define (yield . vals)
(apply (current-yield-proc) vals))
(define (make-yield-sequence thunk)
(lambda ()
(let ((done (gensym)))
(lambda (pos) (apply values (cdr pos)))
(lambda (pos) (call/cc (car pos)))
(let/cc return
(parameterize ((current-yield-proc
(let loop ((return return))
(lambda vals
(let/cc continue
(return (cons continue vals)))))))))
(yield done)))
(lambda (pos) (or (null? (cdr pos)) (not (eq? (cadr pos) done))))
(define-syntax in-yields
(syntax-rules ()
((_ expr)
(make-yield-sequence (lambda () expr)))))
;; Examples:
(yield (for/list ((x (in-yields (begin (yield 1) (yield 2) (yield 3)))))
;; prints (1 2 3)
(define (yield-each . lists)
(apply for-each yield lists))
(yield (for/list (((x y) (in-yields (yield-each '(a b c) '(1 2 3)))))
(cons x y)))
;; prints ((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))
(define yield-fibs
(() (yield-fibs 1 1))
((cur next)
(yield cur)
(yield-fibs next (+ cur next)))))
(yield (for/list ((f (in-yields (yield-fibs)))
(i (in-range 10)))
;; prints (1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55)
--dougorleans at gmail.com