[plt-scheme] error message installing web-server
I'm running Debian stable (currently etch) on an AMD-64 system, with
drscheme and mzscheme installed. Now I decide I want to activate
mzscheme's web-server to try it out. Earlier, I asked for it not to
start on boot.
I reconfigure mz-scheme:
april:~# dpkg-reconfigure mzscheme
Stopping web server: web-server ... No /usr/bin/mzscheme found running;
none killed.
Cataloging SLIB routines...
reference to undefined identifier: slib:features
and, as far as I can tell, no web server is running. In particular,
when I use my browser to access http://localhost:8000, I am told it is
unable to connect to localhost (port 8000).
Is the slib problem queering things, or is something else wrong?
-- hendrik