[plt-scheme] how do you use stream-partition?
Jos Koot writes:
> Therefore both streams must have state that can can be modified by
> both.
The author of SRFIs 40 and 41 sent me the following message (forwarded
with permission). Seems like there's no need for mutable state to
implement stream-partition. (By the way, are there plans to
incorporate SRFI-41 into PLT? Note that stream-partition is not
actually provided by SRFI-41, it's just an example from the docs, so
there's still a need for a utility package like stream.plt.)
--dougorleans at gmail.com
------- start of forwarded message -------
From: "Phil Bewig" <pbewig at gmail.com>
To: "Doug Orleans" <dougorleans at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [plt-scheme] how do you use stream-partition?
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 12:26:44 -0500
SRFI-40 is deprecated in favor of SRFI-41. SRFI-41 gives stream-partition
as an example, in the discussion of stream-unfolds, and shows how to use the
two streams that it returns. Quoting SRFI-41:
Stream-unfolds is especially useful when writing expressions that return
multiple streams. For instance, (stream-partition *pred?* *strm*) is
equivalent to
(stream-filter *pred?* *strm*)
(lambda (x) (not (*pred?* x))) *strm*))
but only tests * pred?* once for each element of *strm*.
(define (stream-partition pred? strm)
(lambda (s)
(if (stream-null? s)
(values s '() '())
(let ((a (stream-car s))
(d (stream-cdr s)))
(if (pred? a)
(values d (list a) #f)
(values d #f (list a))))))
(lambda ()
(stream-partition odd?
(stream-range 1 6)))
(lambda (odds evens)
(list (stream->list odds)
(stream->list evens))))
=> ((1 3 5) (2 4))
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