[plt-scheme] v4 slideshow, keyword arguments

From: Geoffrey S. Knauth (geoff at knauth.org)
Date: Sun Mar 2 14:06:44 EST 2008

I'm using svn revision 8851, [3m].

hello-math works if I comment out the line:  #:resolution "600x600"
If I leave it uncommented, I get:

hello-math:13:9: procedure application: expected a procedure that  
accepts keyword arguments, given #<procedure:tex2im>; arguments were:  
"\\int_0^\\lambda \\frac{x^2}{\\lambda-2} \\textrm{d}x" #:resolution  

which is funny because tex2im is defined with define/kw.

Maybe related, hello-math-0 works fine if I use slide/title, but not  
if I use slide #:title.

vvvvv hello-math vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
#lang slideshow

(require (planet "mrtex2im.ss" ("pjmatos" "mrtex2im.plt" 1 3)))

;; if your {latex,dvips,convert} are in /usr/bin, you don't need these
(setup-latex-path "/usr/texbin/latex")
(setup-dvips-path "/usr/texbin/dvips")
(setup-convert-path "/opt/local/bin/convert")
;; you might want to check whether gs is on your PATH

  #:title "How to Say Hello in Mathematics"
  (bitmap (tex2im #<<ZZ
\int_0^\lambda \frac{x^2}{\lambda-2} \textrm{d}x
                  #:resolution "600x600"

vvvvv hello-math-0 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
(module hello-math-0 (lib "slideshow.ss" "slideshow")
   (require (planet "mrtex2im.ss" ("pjmatos" "mrtex2im.plt" 1 3)))

   ;; if your {latex,dvips,convert} are in /usr/bin, you don't need  
   (setup-latex-path "/usr/texbin/latex")
   (setup-dvips-path "/usr/texbin/dvips")
   (setup-convert-path "/opt/local/bin/convert")
   ;; you might want to check whether gs is on your PATH

    "How to Say Hello in Mathematics"
    (bitmap (tex2im #<<ZZ
\int_0^\lambda \frac{x^2}{\lambda-2} \textrm{d}x
                    #:resolution "600x600"

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