[plt-scheme] slideshow, math formulas

From: Geoffrey S. Knauth (geoff at knauth.org)
Date: Sat Mar 1 17:47:19 EST 2008


It turns out I needed the following symlinks for PLaneT package  
mrtex2im to work on my Mac:

/usr/bin/convert -> /usr/texbin/convert
/usr/bin/dvips -> /usr/texbin/dvips
/usr/bin/latex -> /usr/texbin/latex

/usr/bin/gs -> /opt/local/bin/gs

The first three were needed by mrtex2im.ss (or the module needed to be  
tweaked, or PATH modified):

The last need (gs) was revealed when I temporarily removed the  
parameterization of current-output-port and current-error-port to  
(open-output-nowhere) in run-convert and saw that:

(make-object bitmap%
           (run-convert transparency anti-aliasing bgcolor resolution
                        (run-latex/dvips tmp-file debug-latex-on?))

was twice trying to call gs but wasn't finding it.


On Sat, Mar 1, 2008 at 12:29 PM, I wrote to Paulo:
> This gives me "bitmap failed":
> (module hello-world (lib "slideshow.ss" "slideshow")
>   (require (planet "mrtex2im.ss" ("pjmatos" "mrtex2im.plt" 1 3)))
>   (slide/title
>    "How to Say Hello in Mathematics"
>    (bitmap (tex2im #<<$
> \int_0^\lambda \frac{x^2}{\lambda-2} \textrm{d}x
> $
>                    ))))
> This also gives me a little "bitmap failed" image:
> (require (lib "utils.ss" "texpict"))
> (bitmap (tex2im #<<$
> \int_0^\lambda \frac{x^2}{\lambda-2} \textrm{d}x
> $
>                    ))
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