[plt-scheme] Re: Interacting with win32 Event Loops
Thanks for the help. I got it working with the following in case
anyone ever needs to do something similar:
Excerpt of the dialog procedure:
INT_PTR CALLBACK HiddenWindowDialogProc(HWND hDlg, UINT message,
WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
switch (message)
g_last_hotkey_modifiers = LOWORD( lParam );
g_last_hotkey_virtual_keycode = HIWORD( lParam );
g_hotkey_available = 1;
ReleaseSemaphore( g_native_semaphore, 1, NULL );
/* SNIP */
Excerpts from the initialization code:
Scheme_Object* scm_last_hotkey( int argc, Scheme_Object * argv[] )
g_hotkey_available = 0;
return scheme_make_integer( g_last_hotkey_virtual_keycode );
static int scheme_hotkey_inactive( void * data )
return g_hotkey_available;
static void scheme_hotkey_needs_wakeup( void * data, void * fds )
scheme_add_fd_handle( g_native_semaphore, fds, 0 );
Scheme_Object* scheme_initialize( Scheme_Env * env )
g_native_semaphore = CreateSemaphore( NULL, 0, 500, SEMA_NAME );
g_hotkey_event_type = scheme_make_type("<hotkey-event>");
g_hotkey_event.iso.so.type = g_hotkey_event_type;
g_hotkey_event.u.int_val = (long)g_native_semaphore;
scheme_add_evt( g_hotkey_event_type,
(Scheme_Ready_Fun) scheme_hotkey_inactive,
(Scheme_Needs_Wakeup_Fun) scheme_hotkey_needs_wakeup,
NULL, 0);
scheme_add_global( "hotkey-event", (Scheme_Object*) &g_hotkey_event,
menv );
scheme_add_global( "last-hotkey",
scheme_make_prim_w_arity( scm_last_hotkey, "last-
hotkey", 0, 0 ),
menv );
Then inside scheme I can use (sync hotkey-event) to block until a
hotkey is pressed and (last-hotkey) to read what key was actually
On Jun 26, 9:41 pm, Matthew Flatt <mfl... at cs.utah.edu> wrote:
> That's the first thing I'd try too.
> I'd probably set up an sychronizable event instead of polling. To
> implement the event, use scheme_add_evt(). The message-loop thread
> would need post to a Windows sempahore; polling the event would poll
> the semeaphore, and the event would implemented the need-wakeup
> function by registering the semaphore via scheme_add_fd_handle().