[plt-scheme] Re: define-unit meaning in combinator-example.ss?

From: Larry Evans (cppljevans at suddenlink.net)
Date: Wed Jun 25 14:05:48 EDT 2008

On 06/25/08 12:07, Eli Barzilay wrote:
> On Jun 25, Larry Evans wrote:
>> Or I could have just used:
>>    plt-help define-unit
>> plt-help is nice!
> There is a search input box at the top of all pages, which is exactly
> what `plt-help' is using.

When I put the cursor over it (appearing as ...search...), nothing
happened, like I assumed.  So, I tried typing something, and
it worked!  I just made the wrong assumption :(
Of course:


would have been more what I'm used to.  The limited screen
real-estate is, I guess, one reason why that wasn't done.

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