[plt-scheme] Strange issue in getting DivaScheme prepared for 4.0: compilation time and memory is huge!

From: Danny Yoo (dyoo at cs.wpi.edu)
Date: Sun Jun 22 00:58:24 EDT 2008

On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 5:21 AM, Noel Welsh <noelwelsh at gmail.com> wrote:
> It might be the documentation compilation.

Possibly; I still don't know what's quite happening.

Here's how long things take at the command line:

dyoo at mithril:~/work/bootstrap$ planet remove divascheme divascheme.plt 1 4
dyoo at mithril:~/work/bootstrap$ planet remove dyoo rope.plt 3 2
dyoo at mithril:~/work/bootstrap$ planet remove dyoo join-forest.plt 1 2

[just to get things in a fairly clean state]

dyoo at mithril:~/work/bootstrap$ time planet install divascheme divascheme.plt 1 4

real	0m12.619s

Basically, it takes about 12 seconds on the command line.

Under raw mred, I see similar installation times:

Welcome to MrEd v4.0.1 [3m].
Copyright (c) 2004-2008 PLT Scheme Inc.
This is a simple window for evaluating MrEd Scheme expressions.
Quit now and run DrScheme to get a better window.
The current input port always returns eof.
> (time
 (dynamic-require '(planet "install.ss" ("divascheme" "divascheme.plt"
1 4)) #f))
DivaScheme should now be installed.

To finish the installation, please restart DrScheme.
Once restarted, F4 will toggle DivaScheme on and off.

If you wish to install the launcher for generate-stags, see Help Desk
on 'generate-stags' for details.
cpu time: 10276 real time: 12311 gc time: 2400

About ten seconds.

But when I do this on a clean install on DrScheme, I can't even
install it properly without bumping the memory ceiling to 256MB, and
it seems to take a much longer time getting there.  If the ceiling is
left at the default (128 MB), compilation actually fails.

What's worse at this point is that the PLaneT cache is left in a bad
state, where it thinks things are installed, but the DivaScheme tool
hasn't been installed through setup-plt, and that's bad.  This is
concerning to me just because it complicates installation
instructions... :(

Here's what I see when I try it through DrScheme with no memory
ceiling (and with the three packages divascheme rope and join-forest
removed from the PLaneT cache.)

;; in the definitions window
#lang scheme/base
 (dynamic-require '(planet "install.ss" ("divascheme" "divascheme.plt"
1 4)) #f))

;; in the interactions window
Welcome to DrScheme, version 4.0.1-svn20jun2008 [3m].
Language: Module.
DivaScheme should now be installed.

To finish the installation, please restart DrScheme.
Once restarted, F4 will toggle DivaScheme on and off.

If you wish to install the launcher for generate-stags, see Help Desk
on 'generate-stags' for details.
cpu time: 95730 real time: 101784 gc time: 16993

It takes significantly more time (about 1.5 minutes) in compilation,
and that's is bothering me: the cost of running under DrScheme seems
much higher than I expected.

Posted on the users mailing list.