[plt-scheme] webit in v400?
The examples and possibly other files now choke under v400 as they are not in modules. I realized this a few days ago but did not get a chance over the weekend to update the Webit package in planet. I'll work on it this evening.
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-----Original Message-----
From: "Matt Jadud" <jadudm at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 19:24:52
To:"PLT Scheme List" <plt-scheme at list.cs.brown.edu>
Subject: [plt-scheme] webit in v400?
Hi all,
Webit! shows up in the 4x PLaneT repository... has anyone used it? I'm
trying to bring a piece of code up to v400, but it relies on a number
of libraries that may or may not have been ported... and I'm not yet
familiar with the errors that result from the v3 to v4 migration.
For example, when I update my require statements to the most recent
versions of the libraries available, and try and run a set of test
suites (with a clean planet cache), I get a whole bunch of errors,
some related to files that aren't even involved in my process...
load-handler: expected a `module' declaration for `poem' in
but found something else
setup-plt: error: during making for
setup-plt: read-one: file has more than one expression; expected a
module declaration only in: /Users/jadudm/Library/PLT
Are these signs that the library is actually not 4x ready? (That's my guess.)
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