[plt-scheme] Who's the maintainer for mrlib?

From: Matthew Flatt (mflatt at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Mon Jun 16 08:23:40 EDT 2008

"mrlib" has different maintainers for different libraries, and I've
been the de facto maintainer of the embedded-GUI library. 

My guess is that you've just become the new maintainer. :)

Since we removed test-case boxes, I'm not aware of any particular
dependencies on the embedded-GUI library.


At Sun, 15 Jun 2008 22:29:45 -0400, "Danny Yoo" wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I've been going through MrLib to get myself more prepared to write a
> grid layout thing.  I've hacked up aligned-pasteboard a bit, and I've
> made changes to aligned-editor-snip to support the serialization
> protocol needed for copy and paste.
> Who's the maintainer of MrLib?  I just want to double check that the
> changes I'm thinking of are compatible and can be sent upstream as
> soon as this is cooked.
> I'm temporarily putting my changes in:
>     http://git.hashcollision.org/aligned-pasteboard/
> for inspection.
> Hope this helps!
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