[plt-scheme] help writing idiomatic plt scheme
On Jun 14, 2008, at 10:39 PM, Martin DeMello wrote:
> I've pasted a program fragment in at http://pastebin.com/f152f0ea4 - I
> would like some help improving it in terms of making it more concise
> and idiomatic, since I have the feeling I'm doing too much work for a
> fundamentally simple problem.
1. I don't think this problem is that simple. (It's easy but it has a
2. I don't think idiomatic PLT Scheme exists but it is emerging. The
addition of for & Co shows that we're trying to broaden 'idiomatic'
especially for those who cross over from languages that prefer loop-y
3. Here is my take on 'idiomatic' coming from a design perspective.
Everything is based on the data def file = eof | line * file
I am using this contract:
;; InputPort ->* [Listof String] [Listof String]
And I assume that your purpose statement holds.
Version 1: read line by line; for each line, gather all lines that
come with the same starting char; then filter and cut of beginning of
each line
(define (collect.v0 iport)
(define (cut line) (substring line 2))
(define (drive N)
[(eof-object? N) '()]
[else (let-values ([(N fst) (gather-same N)]) (cons fst (drive
(define (gather-same str)
(define C (string-ref str 0))
(let L ([str str])
(define N (read-line iport))
[(eof-object? N) (values N str)]
[(char=? (string-ref N 0) C) (L (string-append str "\n" (cut
[else (values N str)])))
(define all (drive (read-line iport)))
(define (select str) (lambda (line) (string=? str (substring line
0 2))))
(values (list->vector (map cut (filter (select "# ") all)))
(list->vector (map cut (filter (select "= ") all)))))
Version 2: realize that these recursive functions can be "merged"
(define (collect.v1 iport)
(define (cut line) (substring line 2))
(define (drive N)
[(eof-object? N) '()]
[else (gather-same N)]))
(define (gather-same str)
(define C (string-ref str 0))
(let L ([str str])
(define N (read-line iport))
[(eof-object? N) (list str)]
[(char=? (string-ref N 0) C) (L (string-append str "\n" (cut
[else (cons str (drive N))])))
(define all (drive (read-line iport)))
(define (select str) (lambda (line) (string=? str (substring line
0 2))))
(values (list->vector (map cut (filter (select "# ") all)))
(list->vector (map cut (filter (select "= ") all)))))
;; Version 3: simplify syntax
(define (collect iport)
(define (cut line) (substring line 2))
(define (drive N) (if (eof-object? N) '() (gather-same N)))
(define (gather-same str)
(define C (string-ref str 0))
(let L ([str str])
(define N (read-line iport))
[(eof-object? N) (list str)]
[(char=? (string-ref N 0) C) (L (string-append str "\n" (cut
[else (cons str (drive N))])))
(define all (drive (read-line iport)))
(define (select str) (lambda (line) (string=? str (substring line
0 2))))
(values (list->vector (map cut (filter (select "# ") all)))
(list->vector (map cut (filter (select "= ") all)))))
I do not like that eof-object has to be tested twice. But we need to
do so because we lack the knowledge that the file isn't empty.
;; ---
The rest of the message is a test suite, comparing my current version
with yours. -- Matthias
#lang scheme
(require rnrs/io/ports-6)
(define input #<<eof
# 1
# 2
= 3
# 4
= 5
= 6
; every line of input-file starts with either "# " or "= ".
; (we assume the input is well-formed in that this always holds)
; we want to collect the lines into two global vectors, lines-o and
; runs of "# " or "= " lines should be collected into single strings;
; that is, "# " strings and "= " strings should strictly alternate
;; InputPort ->* [Listof String] [Listof String]
(define (given-solution input-file)
(define (append-to-car str lst)
(cond [(null? lst) (list str)]
[else (cons (string-append (car lst) "\n" str) (cdr lst))]))
(define-values (read-o read-p _)
(for/fold ([o '()] [p '()] [c "# "])
([line (in-lines input-file)])
(match (list (substring line 0 2) (substring line 2))
[(list "# " rest)
(cond [(equal? c "# ") (values (append-to-car rest
o) p "# ")]
[else (values (cons rest o) p "#
[(list "= " rest)
(cond [(equal? c "= ") (values o (append-to-car
rest p) "= ")]
[else (values o (cons rest p) "=
(define _1 (close-input-port input-file))
(values (list->vector (reverse read-o)) (list->vector (reverse
;; --- test ---
(define (run f)
(define input-file (open-string-input-port input))
(f input-file))
(let*-values ([(m# m=) (run collect)]
[(g# g=) (run given-solution)])
[(and (equal? g# m#) (equal? g= m=)) (void)]
[(equal? g# m#) (printf "differing in =:\n~a\n~a\n" g= m=)]
[(equal? g= m=) (printf "differing in #:\n~a\n~a\n" g# m#)]
[else (printf "differing in all:\n~a\n~a\n~a\n~a\n" g= m= g# m#)]))
> martin
> p.s. code below if you don't feel like clicking through to pastebin
> ; every line of input-file starts with either "# " or "= ".
> ; (we assume the input is well-formed in that this always holds)
> ; we want to collect the lines into two global vectors, lines-o and
> lines-p.
> ; runs of "# " or "= " lines should be collected into single strings;
> ; that is, "# " strings and "= " strings should strictly alternate
> (define (append-to-car str lst)
> (cond [(null? lst) (list str)]
> [else (cons (string-append (car lst) "\n" str) (cdr lst))]))
> (define-values (read-o read-p _)
> (for/fold ([o '()] [p '()] [c "# "])
> ([line (in-lines input-file)])
> (match (list (substring line 0 2) (substring line 2))
> [(list "# " rest)
> (cond [(equal? c "# ") (values (append-to-car rest o) p "# ")]
> [else (values (cons rest o) p "# ")])]
> [(list "= " rest)
> (cond [(equal? c "= ") (values o (append-to-car rest p) "= ")]
> [else (values o (cons rest p) "= ")])])))
> (close-input-port input-file)
> (define lines-o (list->vector (reverse read-o)))
> (define lines-p (list->vector (reverse read-p)))
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