[plt-scheme] Swedish keyboard bug in DrScheme

From: Andre Mayers (andre.mayers at usherbrooke.ca)
Date: Fri Jun 13 14:19:32 EDT 2008

It works with the Canadian multilingual standard keyboard. 
Thank you

André Mayers, Ph.D., M. Ps.
professeur agrégé
Département d'informatique
Université de Sherbrooke
Sherbrooke (Québec) Canada J1K 2R1
tél: +1 819-821-8000 poste 62041
fax: +1 819-821-8200
andre.mayers at usherbrooke.ca


-----Message d'origine-----
De : plt-scheme-bounces at list.cs.brown.edu [mailto:plt-scheme-bounces at list.cs.brown.edu] De la part de Robby Findler
Envoyé : June-13-08 1:21 PM
À : Pekka Karjalainen
Cc : PLT-Scheme
Objet : Re: [plt-scheme] Swedish keyboard bug in DrScheme

Thanks for figuring this out! I don't have a sweedish keyboard to test this on, so I wonder if one of you can help me by applying the patch below (just a simple change to two lines), exiting drscheme, running "setup-plt" from a shell/command window and then seeing if DrScheme behaves properly after that?

The file in question in plt/collects/framework/private/keymap.ss. Just in case you're not familiar with the notation below, the lines with the "-" in front go away and should be replaced by the ones with the "+" in front (but don't include the "+" itself). The lines without "+"
or "-" are just there for context so you can be sure you're in the right spot in the file.

--- keymap.ss	(revision 10227)
+++ keymap.ss	(working copy)
@@ -1079,8 +1079,8 @@
             (setup-mappings greek-letters #f)
             (setup-mappings Greek-letters #t))

-          (map "c:\\" "TeX compress")
-          (map "m:\\" "TeX compress")
+          (map "~m:c:\\" "TeX compress")
+          (map "~c:m:\\" "TeX compress")

           (map-meta "c:down" "down-into-embedded-editor")
           (map "a:c:down" "down-into-embedded-editor")


On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 11:33 AM, Pekka Karjalainen <p3k at iki.fi> wrote:
> On 6/13/08, Niklas Larsson <nifty at live.se> wrote:
>> In DrScheme 4.0 for Windows it is impossible to type a backslash 
>> character on a swedish keyboard. We use the AltGr-+ combination to 
>> get '\' on swedish keyboards, it does nothing in DrScheme, all other 
>> AltGr combinations seem to work fine (braces, @, $, €...). This 
>> problem didn't exist in v371. A really weird bug.
> DrScheme has a default keybinding where Meta-\ means "TeX compress".
> This changes the names of greek letters written in TeX style to the 
> corresponding symbols. E.g. \beta turns into the actual character for 
> lowercase beta. I think this only works when the caret is placed right 
> after such a string.
> You can change the keybinding with the help of this piece of code.
> It's based on a message I found in the mailing list archives, as 
> referenced. Save this as a file mykeys.ss somewhere convenient.
> ;; following the msg
> http://www.cs.brown.edu/pipermail/plt-scheme/2006-March/012391.html
> (module mykeys (lib "keybinding-lang.ss" "framework")  (define 
> (make-handler s)
>    (lambda (editor event)
>      (send editor insert (make-object string-snip% s))))
>  (keybinding "M:\\" (make-handler "\\")))
> Then go to Edit -> Keybindings -> Add User-defined Keybindings and 
> choose the file you just saved. This should make the key combination 
> do what you expect. You can remove this file from use later; an option 
> to do this appears in the menu.
> If the preferred form for the above in DrScheme 4.0 is something else, 
> I'd be happy to know about it. All I really know is that it works for 
> me, and I'll eventually get around to learning more about snips and 
> events...
> Pekka Karjalainen, with pretty much the same kind of keyboard 
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