[plt-scheme] mz-372 does not allow -O3 optimization
On 11 Jun, 2008, at 20:03, narutocanada at gmail.com wrote:
> I tried to compile mz-372 with -O3 optimization but failed,
You should be warned that -O3 has some dangerous optimizations which
may even make the program slower (it unrolls more loops more
aggressively (among other things) and will easily trash your
instruction cache, making your program slower).
Normally you get the best results at -O2 or -Os (last time I checked -
Os was a bit more unstable... But the Linux kernel is often built with
-Os so it should be pretty stable).
As for the errors... You should check it with a debug utility (gdb,
valgrind) to see where it blows up.
- Filipe Cabecinhas