[plt-scheme] Re: macro question
Maybe I'm just missing something; I haven't done anything very serious with
drscheme. Suppose I'm reading along and encounter a function parameter that
appears to be an instance of some class. How do I get it to draw an arrow to
the definition of that class?
On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 4:54 AM, Matthias Felleisen <matthias at ccs.neu.edu>
> Now try DrScheme to get *real* support for navigation, in an UNtyped
> language. When Eclipse can draw the arrows, I might consider switching --
> Matthias
> On Jun 10, 2008, at 11:29 PM, mhcoffin wrote:
>>> My personal opinion is that types do not significantly improve
>>> readability
>>> of programs. A good similarity between data structure and the structure
>>> of
>>> the procedures acting on these data is far more important, I think (this
>>> I
>>> did experience, but not invent by myself, of course)
>> I don't know if this falls under "readability", but it's enormously
>> easier to provide good IDE support for a language with an explicit
>> type system. When I'm reading unfamiliar Java code, I can use Eclipse
>> to navigate directly from the use of a variable to its declaration to
>> the definition of its type, etc. On the other hand, if I'm reading
>> unfamiliar Python code, each of those steps is difficult and error-
>> prone. For a small program, that might not make much difference, but
>> when I'm faced with trying to understand a tiny corner of a 10-million-
>> line code base, explicit types are awfully useful sign posts.
>> -mike
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