[plt-scheme] plt web server question

From: Chongkai Zhu (czhu at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Tue Jun 10 18:45:32 EDT 2008

Many thanks. Finally I finished it (for now). For anyone interested: it 
is a Scheme REPL through web interface (attached).

I just used HTML textarea to hold information. So it's pretty simple: 
only pure text is allowed, and I don't know for now how to (by using 
javascript) to control the scrolling in the textarea. If anyone is 
interested in puting more fancy Javacript into it to make it feel more 
like DrScheme, feel free to do so.


Jay McCarthy wrote:
> This is the problem. The string here will be XML-quoted, so that '&'
> will be turned into '&'. That will mess up the request processing.
> You want to put in a XML CDATA element into the Xexpr.

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