[plt-scheme] plt web server question

From: Chongkai Zhu (czhu at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Tue Jun 10 11:14:48 EDT 2008

The servlet program is attached. I put the file under "C:\Program 
Files\PLT\collects\web-server\default-web-root\servlets", and run 
"C:\Program Files\PLT\PLT Web Server Text.exe" or "C:\Program 
Files\PLT-\plt-web-server.exe". Then using URL 
"" to access it in by browser. So no 
fancy stuff here. There is only one call to "send/forward" in my whole 
servlet, which caused the error, but I couldn't see why.


Jay McCarthy wrote:
> I'm a little unclear about how you get the error.
> That error means that you went to a file that does not exist. Normally
> that exception is converted into a particular page, but for some
> reason it is not for you.
> What is the exact sequence of URLs you go to? What is the dispatcher
> sequence you have set up? (Your run.ss)
> Jay
> On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 10:21 PM, Chongkai Zhu <czhu at cs.utah.edu> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have this servlet program that is nearly finished (attached). But as I run
>> it in v372, v399.0.24, or v399.0.26(latest), I always get error message from
>> webserver. This is the error message from v399.0.26:
>> No valid path
>> === context ===
>> C:\Program Files\PLT-\collects\scheme\private\more-scheme.ss:170:2:
>> sel
>> ect-handler/no-breaks
>> C:\Program Files\PLT-\collects\scheme\private\more-scheme.ss:170:2:
>> sel
>> ect-handler/no-breaks
>> url-path?
>> url-path?
>> C:\Program
>> Files\PLT-\collects\web-server\dispatchers\dispatch-servlets
>> .ss:100:2: invoke-servlet-continuation
>> dispatcher?
>> C:\Program Files\PLT-\collects\scheme\private\more-scheme.ss:170:2:
>> sel
>> ect-handler/no-breaks
>> dispatcher?
>> dispatcher?
>> C:\Program Files\PLT-\collects\scheme\private\more-scheme.ss:170:2:
>> sel
>> ect-handler/no-breaks
>> C:\Program Files\PLT-\collects\scheme\private\more-scheme.ss:170:2:
>> sel
>> ect-handler/no-breaks
>> C:\Program Files\PLT-\collects\scheme\private\more-scheme.ss:170:2:
>> sel
>> ect-handler/no-breaks
>> C:\Program Files\PLT-\collects\scheme\private\more-scheme.ss:170:2:
>> sel
>> ect-handler/no-breaks
>> C:\Program Files\PLT-\collects\scheme\private\more-scheme.ss:170:2:
>> sel
>> ect-handler/no-breaks
>> dispatcher?
>> dispatcher?
>> ...
>> Besides. the final response as the code does is
>> (make-response/full 200
>>                                    "Okay"
>>                                    (current-seconds)
>>                                    "text/plain"
>>                                    (list)
>>                                    (list "Chongkai"))
>> But the client will always see empty string.
>> Could anyone (Jay McCarthy?) please help? Many thanks.
>> Chongkai
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