[plt-scheme] Checking a result with "Intermediate plus Lambda" student Language

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Mon Jun 9 23:00:43 EDT 2008

For now, please use

  (check-expect (between-1-6 (roll-dice 'useless)) true)

We have check-expect-one-of but it hasn't gone in yet, and because we  
are literally in the process of rolling out the release, I'd rather  
not add it tonight. -- Matthias

On Jun 9, 2008, at 10:17 AM, Jean-Paul ROY wrote:

> I am moving from 372 to 399.xx. "Intermediate plus Lambda" student  
> language
> How can I test a function when the result is not yet known (say  
> with random), through a polite message :
> The value of the dice is 4
> I tried a Scheme splice box but the students don't know lists and  
> quasiquotation yet, and the above message within a list seems not  
> so pretty...
> Do I miss a "check without already known result" primitive ?
>    -jpr
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