[plt-scheme] solution for exercise 11.2.4

From: Shriram Krishnamurthi (sk at cs.brown.edu)
Date: Mon Jun 9 18:23:37 EDT 2008

Why don't you first show us an example of one list?
Then we can consider how to construct a list of lists.

I wonder if you did the list exercises first, before jumping
to the list of lists.  Or did your professor start from the
middle of the book?


On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 6:12 PM, carlo ambrogio <cr-service at hotmail.it> wrote:
> ok it is the moment where I find problems.
> How it is conctructed a list of list??
> Is it something like (cons (cons asymbol empty) empty)??
> How can I count the "cons"???
> I can say: if the first element of a list is still a list sum 1...but how?
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