[plt-scheme] Can't produce planet packages; weird scribble error message

From: Danny Yoo (dyoo at cs.wpi.edu)
Date: Tue Jun 3 14:59:19 EDT 2008

I'm seeing the following error message when I try to create a PLaneT 
package now:

dyoo at kfisler-ra1:~/work/projects/plt-misc$ planet create calm-evt
Building: manual.scrbl
WARNING: open-input-file: cannot open input file: 
"/home/dyoo/work/projects/plt-misc/calm-evt/doc/manual/out.sxref" (No such 
file or directory; errno=2)
PLaneT packager: Error generating scribble documentation: 
"/home/dyoo/work/projects/plt-misc/calm-evt/planet-docs/manual/" exists as 
a directory
Refusing to continue packaging.

Unfortunately, my public source repository is still down.  Ironically, my 
co-lo is also hosted in a datacenter call "The Planet"... ;)  But I can 
send tarballs if that will help track down what's happening here.


Posted on the users mailing list.