[plt-scheme] getting to grips with keymaps
Using on-local-char is probably not the way you want to do this, but
you wouldn't need t ochange what is below (unless you wanted to map
those keys in the keymap).
Did you find the keymap% class and the set-keymap method of the
editor? If so, is there something specifically that was confusing? (I
know there is no entry in the guide for keymaps.) Try reading the
map-function and add-function methods' documentation.
On Sat, Jul 26, 2008 at 10:51 PM, Martin DeMello
<martindemello at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've reached the point where I need to add keymaps to my text editor,
> and I'm having trouble knowing where to start. (I tried reading
> through the drscheme sources, but that's a lot to bite off at once,
> and the documentation is more reference than tutorial). Specifically,
> I have a list of editable-text% objects (editable-text% subclasses
> text%) and a list of editor-snip% objects, each holding an
> editable-text%.
> Where in all that would I add a keymap, and how? Also, my
> editable-text% class has the following chunk of code:
> (define/override (on-local-char key)
> (let ([code (send key get-key-code)])
> (cond [(and (equal? code 'down) (last-line?)) (next-editor) ]
> [(and (equal? code 'up) (first-line?)) (prev-editor) ]
> [else (super on-local-char key)])))
> would I need to remove that and integrate it with the keymap instead?
> martin
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