[plt-scheme] Slideshow best practices and tips?
HI folks,
While recently revising a slideshow with a *lot* of slides, spent a
lot of time going back and forth between slides (being run) and the
actual source code to make changes. I sort of wondered why I was
torturing myself, because I couldn't easily just go to "Slide13",
instead I had to sort of keep track of where each slide was and scroll
up and down to find the title string. Why wasn't I using the features
of DrScheme to make my life easier?!
To make this process easier I wrote the following macro along with
example usage:
#lang slideshow
(define slides '())
(define-syntax add-slide
(syntax-rules ()
[(add-slide (define (name args ...) body))
(define (name args ...) body)
(set! slides (append slides `(,name))))]))
(define (slide-1)
#:title "Slide 1")))
(define (slide-2)
#:title "Slide 2")))
(define (slide-3)
#:title "Slide 3")))
(for-each (λ (slide) (slide)) slides)
Now I can use the DrScheme "definition browser dropdown" to just jump
to the named slide. How simple! (Or why did I ever make it this hard?)
What kind of things do you guys do to get the most power out of
Slideshow (technically or presentation wise)?
Best wishes,