[plt-scheme] And now for an actual Scheme question (PLAI)

From: John Clements (clements at brinckerhoff.org)
Date: Thu Jul 17 02:56:37 EDT 2008

On Jul 16, 2008, at 11:24 PM, Gregory Woodhouse wrote:

> I've been away from scheme for awhile, so I decided to go back to  
> PLAI and start reading from the beginning


Shriram may disagree with me, but if you were in my class I would say  
the following things:

1) You can get type-case by installing the PLAI language level  
(available near the PLAI web page, though I don't know if it's 4.0- 
ready yet).
2) You would not use type-case to deal with parsing-type stuff; the  
point of the parser is to emit stuff that type-case will work for.
3) Don't get bogged down in the parser: the point of PLAI (IMHO) is  
the stuff you can do _after_ you've got the parser out of the way.

And really... _do_ get the type-case feature installed and working;  
it will make the material of the book simpler both technically and  

John Clements

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