[plt-scheme] If With No Else and Other Changes
This code is not in a module. It is an example in the science collection.
On Wed, Jan 30, 2008 at 2:38 PM, Robby Findler <robby at cs.uchicago.edu>
> On Jan 30, 2008 2:34 PM, Doug Williams <m.douglas.williams at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I remember some discussion that in V4 (if ...) with no else part was
> going
> > to be illegal. I had forgotten about it until I tried running some of
> my
> > code in MzScheme and it failed because of 'if: bad syntax (must
> > have an "else" expression)'. However, it runs in DrScheme I
> > guess we need to track down all such constructs if we want people to be
> able
> > to use our code in MzScheme.
> >
> > What other constructs might bite us?
> >
> > Why do I get different behavior in DrScheme and MzScheme on this?
> >
> > Why does it load and compile okay with PLanet?
> There are multiple "if"s around -- it is only the "scheme" language
> that has the new if.
> So, I guess the question I have is: what language were you using? And:
> was your program in a module?
> Robby
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