[plt-scheme] Seeing a keyword-based error message for spgsql 2.2 in mzscheme 3.99

From: Ryan Culpepper (ryanc at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Mon Jan 28 00:59:04 EST 2008

Danny Yoo wrote:
> I'm using mzscheme, and I see the following error 
> message when trying to use spgsql 2.2 from PLaneT.  The following code:
> #lang scheme/base
> (require (planet "spgsql.ss" ("schematics" "spgsql.plt" 2 2)))
> (define conn (connect #:database "dyoo" #:user "dyoo"))
> raises a runtime exception when 'connect' is applied:
> #######################################################################
> ../../../local/plt/collects/scheme/private/kw.ss:729:14: procedure 
> application: expected a procedure that accepts keyword arguments, given 
> #<procedure:connect>; arguments were: #:database "dyoo" #:user "dyoo"
> #######################################################################
> It looks like there might be a conflict between the keywords in 3.99 and 
> the defined procedures written in the mzscheme compatibility library.

Yes. I had thought that they were compatible. It turns out to take a 
little extra wrapping. I've just released an updated package that fixes 
the problem.


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