[plt-scheme] Slime-like documentation
On 10 Jan, 2008, at 12:48, Grant Rettke wrote:
> Filiche are you thinking of completions like this?
No. That completes the current word. I'm talking about documentation
that appears after you've written the word.
You would write "(foo " (space included) and Dr. Scheme would show
what arguments 'foo would take. For instance:
"(define foo (a b c) 42)"
Then, in the interactions window (or the definitions window, if you
had eval'ed the definition), when you write "(foo ", Dr. Scheme would
show (somewhere) "(foo a b c)" (and possibly highlight the a).
And after that there's the problem with case-lambda that will have to
be dealt with.
- Filipe Cabecinhas