[plt-scheme] A question about DrScheme window resizing behavior
Wow -- 17 characters is the limit?! With a 1200 pixel-wide window? I
think something else must be going wrong (in addition to the below,
probably). Can you send me a screenshot (or put it somewhere online)?
On Jan 1, 2008 10:07 AM, Grant Rettke <grettke at acm.org> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I've got a question about DrScheme window resizing behavior.
> I'm trying to get it running nicely on the OLPC XO. The XO has a
> 1200x900 screen, runs RedHat Linux (a custom build), and uses the
> "Sugar" window manager which is built on Matchbox. In Sugar, windows
> are borderless and are sized to occupy the entire screen.
> When you save or open a file in DrScheme v372 with a name longer than
> 17 characters, the DrScheme window (IDE) resizes beyond the borders of
> the screen. Strangely, xwininfo reports the IDE as 1200x900 (I'm
> guessing that this is an OS or lib problem). This resizing is a
> problem since the right hand side of the IDE is no longer visible for
> as many more than 17 characters are in the file name. This resizing
> seems to occur because the file name is displayed below the file menu,
> and it "pushes over" the Debug, Macro Stepper, Check Syntax, Run, and
> Stop buttons. The next thing I did was to try this out on Windows.
> Here are the steps I followed:
> On Windows XP Pro started DrScheme version 372
> Used these programs to work with the windows:
> http://www.wisdomandwonder.com/link/11/move-and-resize-windows-on-ms-windows
> Found DrScheme's window handle was 15991366 with the command
> winfo
> Set Window size to 1200x900 with the command
> wresize 15991366 1200 900
> Saved an empty file with a name length of 150 chars, had named it
> 111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666666666777777777788888888889999999999000000000011111111112222222222333333333344444444445555555555
> The window size now 1352x900
> The window cannot be resized down to 1200x900 programatically or manually
> I don't want this resizing to occur on Windows or Linux. Before
> looking at the source code myself, at this point I know it would be
> easier to ask for help, so if someone could point me in the right
> direction as to where in the code to look and perhaps even how to get
> this desired behavior, that would be great.
> Where do I start?
> --
> "Wisdom begins in wonder!"
> http://www.wisdomandwonder.com/
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