[plt-scheme] mztext replacement
On Feb 27, Aleks Bromfield wrote:
> This is great!
> > * It seems to me that just the above is enough for the usual use of
> > a saner tex front end. Do you see any extra bells and whistles
> > that are needed?
> This is mostly due to my unfamiliarity with Scribble: How would you
> replace defcommand?
If it takes a single {...} argument then you're fine. For example,
here's a silly example:
#lang scribble/text
@(define (angled . body) (list "<" body ">"))@;
@(define (shout . body) @angled[(map string-upcase body)])@;
blah @angled{blah @shout{blah} blah} blah
(Notes: the "@;" is to avoid empty lines in the output; inputs from
"{...}"s are lists of strings and whatever subexpressions you put in
with nested `@'s; this means that "@shout{@angled{...}}" will not as
implemented here.)
If it takes two arguments then you need to somehow split the input
into parts. A quick way:
#lang scribble/text
(require scheme/match)
(define (angled . body) (list "<" body ">"))
(define (point . body)
(match (regexp-split #rx" +" (apply string-append body))
[(list x y) (angled x ", " y)])))@;
Draw a line from @point{0 y} to @point{100 y}.
A more complete solution that I referred to earlier is to split on
some actual token. Here's a complete example -- it takes care of a
few details like newlines etc, which is why it might be useful to have
some library function for this:
#lang scribble/text
(define (split items token)
(let loop ([is items] [r '()])
(cond [(null? is) (list (reverse r))]
[(eq? token (car is))
(let ([rest (loop (cdr is) '())])
(if (null? r)
(cons (reverse (if (equal? "\n" (car r))
(cdr r)
[else (loop (cdr is) (cons (car is) r))])))
(define item "foo") ; some unique token
(define (itemize . body)
(map (lambda (i) (list "* " i "\n")) (split body item)))
@itemize{@item You begin with the first thing
@item and end with the last thing.}
((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x))) Eli Barzilay:
http://www.barzilay.org/ Maze is Life!