[plt-scheme] Re: tetris

From: David Van Horn (dvanhorn at cs.brandeis.edu)
Date: Wed Feb 27 10:53:50 EST 2008

Jon Rafkind wrote:
> I thought the recently uploaded tetris game to planet was fun so I
> converted it to use the Allegro package instead of htdp. Theres not
> really much of a point and its not like it runs better or anything, but
> it was good to compare htdp's functional style with Allegro's mostly
> imperative style. It probably won't work too well in osx.
> Tetris on planet:
> http://planet.plt-scheme.org/display.ss?package=tetris.plt;owner=dvanhorn
> Code attached if you want to try it.

Hi Jon,

Thanks for the code and interest in the Tetris package.  I'd be happy to 
include an Allegro version of the game in the package (I also have a 3D 
OpenGL version that will make it in eventually), but with the code you 
sent, I noticed a couple things:

   - when the game ends, DrScheme hangs, requiring me to manually kill
     DrScheme after each play.

   - once I move left, I always move left, regardless of keyboard input.

I'm using OS X -- maybe this is relevant?


Posted on the users mailing list.