[plt-scheme] match question

From: Chongkai Zhu (czhu at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Sun Feb 24 22:42:02 EST 2008

Could anyone help explain why the following program doesn't work? Many 


#lang scheme

(define (make-nil)
(define nil? null?)

(define make-::
    ((hash-table ('|1| a) ('|2| d))
     (cons a d))))
(define ::? pair?)
(define (::-content p)
   (list (cons '|1| (car p))
         (cons '|2| (cdr p)))))

(define my-append
    ((hash-table ('|1| (? nil?)) ('|2| l)) l)
      ('|1| (? ::? (app ::-content (hash-table ('|1| h) ('|2| t)))))
      ('|2| l))
        (cons '|1| h)
           (list (cons '|1| t) (cons '|2| l)))))))))))

;matchs fine
(match '(a b)
  ((? ::? (app ::-content (hash-table ('|1| h) ('|2| t))))
   (values h t)))

;matchs fine
(my-append (make-immutable-hash-table
            (list (cons '|1| '())
                  (cons '|2| '(1 2)))))

;match error, why?
(my-append (make-immutable-hash-table
            (list (cons '|1| '(a b))
                  (cons '|2| '(1 2)))))

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