[plt-scheme] porting advice (was: If With No Else and Other Changes)

From: Matthew Flatt (mflatt at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Sat Feb 2 11:25:04 EST 2008

I've added a "Porting Advice" section to

Below is what it says so far. Let me know if you have other thoughts.
It doesn't yet say anything about Planet, since I'm not sure we've
arrived at a conclusion.

Meanwhile, I think that the last problem that Dave mentioned
(re-exporting structure types that have contracts) is a bug, but we're
still looking into it.

 Porting Advice

The best approach to moving to v4 depends on the kind of code that
you're working with.

Non-module Programs

If the prgram is not in a module, then the best start is to put it
into one. The module system is there help manage code across multiple
dialects of Scheme, so staying outside of modules while upgrading
means that you're ignoring the main upgrade tool.

The module notation is much lighter than before, so putting old code
into a module may be as easy as adding `#lang scheme' to the beginning
of the file. If you want something closer to the old `mzscheme'
language, try `#lang mzscheme' instead.  If you think of the program
as R5RS code, then try starting with `#lang r5rs'. Finally, if it's a
MrEd script, then `#lang scheme/gui' may be the best starting point.

If you have R5RS code that won't fit (or that you don't want) in a
module, then you still have the R5RS language in DrScheme, and you can
also run via the new `plt-r5rs' command-line executable.

Modules Using the `mzscheme' Language

If the program is (now) in a `mzscheme' module, then it might work
fine as-is. The bindings of the `mzscheme' module in v3 and v4 are
mostly the same, with two main caveats:

 * Pairs are immutable in the new `mzscheme'.

   Even though `cons' in `mzscheme' could be defined to produce
   mutable pairs, many PLT libraries expect immutable pairs. Thus,
   `cons' in `mzscheme' produces immutable pairs, because it seems to
   be the best compromise between backward compatibility and

   Indeed, our experience is that making the result of `cons'
   immutable does not create many porting problems. Nevertheless, if
   your code does use `set-car!' or `set-cdr!', and if converting to a
   more functional style is difficult, then consider using `mcons' and
   the `scheme/mpair' library.

 * Keyword arguments via `mzlib/kw' are not compatible with the
   keyword argument of `scheme/base'.

   Most PLT libraries are now built on `scheme/base', which means that
   keyword-consuming functions from those libraries are difficult to
   use in `mzscheme' without explicitly importing and using `#%app'
   from `scheme/base'. Fortunately, keyword arguments were
   infrequently used in PLT libraries before v4.

If these sorts of problems start to give you trouble, or if the
relevant code is likely to be useful for a long time, then you're
probably better off upgrading from a `mzscheme' module to a
`scheme/base' or `scheme' module. Upgrading gives you the easiest
access to the PLT libraries (especially as keyword arguments become
more common).

Otherwise, even if you stick to `mzscheme', you can use some new
features, like the new syntax for module paths. That is, `(require
mzlib/pretty)' works just as well as `(require (lib "pretty.ss"))' to
access the pretty-printing library in a `mzscheme' module.

The "mzlib" collection has become the home of legacy libraries and
interfaces. For example, `mzlib/contract' mostly re-exports
`scheme/contract', but it also re-exports the class contracts of
`scheme/class' for compatibility with the old `(lib "contract.ss")'

Moving to `scheme' or `scheme/base'

If you decide to port to the native language of most PLT libraries,
then you need to pick either `scheme' or `scheme/base' as a
replacement for `mzscheme'. The `scheme' language is a lot bigger than
`scheme/base'. Use `scheme' for scripts or other places where you want
the convenience of many bindings. Use `scheme/base' when you're
implementing a library that you will distribute to others, in which
case a smaller footprint and less possibility for name collisions
matters more than convenience.

If you're moving code into a `scheme' or `scheme/base' module, you'll
usually have the change the following parts of your code:

 * The `require' and `provide' syntax has changed:

    - Use `(require (for-syntax ....))' instead of
      `(require-for-syntax ....)'.

    - Use `(only-in ....)' instead of `(only ....)'. Also, use
      `(only-in .... [<old-id> <new-id>] ...)' instead of `(rename
      .... [<new-id> <old-id>] ...)'. That is, use `only-in' instead
      of `rename' and reverse the order of the names.

    - Use `(all-from-out ....)' instead of `(all-from ....)', and use
      `(except-out (all-from-out ....))' instead of `(all-from-except
      ....)'. That is, compose `except-out' and `all-from-out' to get
      the old `all-from-except' combination.

 * Beware that `scheme/base' and `scheme' automatically print non-void
   results of top-level expressions. You may have to add an explicit
   `(void ....)'  around a side-effecting expression that returns a
   non-void result.

 * If you use `open-output-file', `call-with-output-file', etc. with a
   mode like 'exists or 'replace, you'll have to add the #:exists
   keyword before the mode (since it's now a keyword argument).

 * Use plain `lambda' instead of `opt-lambda' or `lambda/kw', since
   `lambda' supports optional and keyword arguments.

 * Use `when' instead of one-armed `if' (which is no longer allowed).

 * If you require libraries from the "mzlib" collection, convert to
   the `scheme/...' variant --- if the function or syntactic form you
   need is not already provided by `scheme'/base or `scheme'.

 * Pairs are immutable, and the advice for handling mutation of pairs
   is the same as in `mzscheme': try to convert to a more functional
   style, and as a last resort fall back to `mcons' and the
   `scheme/mpair' library.

 * Beware of libraries that still use `mzlib/kw' for keyword
   arguments. It's relatively easy to call such functions from
   `scheme' or `scheme/base', though: just quote the keyword in the
   function call.

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