[plt-scheme] why no send/suspend in tutorial? (was: Re: web-server question)
On Dec 8, 2008, at 7:43 PM, Jay McCarthy wrote:
> I think you are looking for send/suspend/dispatch:
> (send/suspend/dispatch
> (lambda (embed/url)
> (let ([p ....])
> `(a ([href ,(embed/url (lambda (req) (remove-post!
> p) ....))]) ....)))
> http://docs.plt-scheme.org/web-server/web_ss.html#(def._((lib._web-
> server/servlet/web..ss)._send/suspend/dispatch))
I've been thinking about this for a few weeks now, but this prompts
me (er, so to speak) to write:
Send/suspend/dispatch seems like a sometimes-useful function, but
that exclusive use of send/suspend/dispatch (as the new tutorial
exemplifies) makes impossible the "nice" thing that continuations
enable. In particular, I'm thinking of code like this, from my
solution to one of Shriram's assignments:
(let loop ()
(let ([new-post (get-post)])
(when (confirm-post? new-post)
(add-post! new-post))
The idea is that get-post and confirm-post? both use send/suspend.
However, if you try to rewrite these to use send/suspend/dispatch,
then you lose the ability to write the program this way without using
hidden fields, which is really the raison d'etre of the PLT web
server, IIUC.
John Clements
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