[plt-scheme] plt version number issues?
Hi -
it seems that the version number change from 3xx into 4.xx are causing some
logic issues. I came across this issue trying to require
cce/parameter-utils, and below are the results (note the "too old"):
Welcome to MzScheme v4.0 [3m], Copyright (c) 2004-2008 PLT Scheme Inc.
> (require (planet cce/parameter-utils:1:0))
stdin::9: require: PLaneT could not find the requested package: Server had
no matching package: Your version of PLT Scheme is *too old* to run the
specified package in: (planet cce/parameter-utils:1:0)
Obviously, 4.0 is pretty new. I then generated the planet url via `planet
url` command, and paste into browser, and then change the 4.0 part into 372,
and of course I was able to download the package.
So - the comparison of planet versioning is done on pure numbers (and hence
372 is greater than 4.0, even though the build is older). While this is a
bug, perhaps switching the versioning convention causes unnecessary
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