[plt-scheme] Named let example from The Guide (sec. 4.6)
The Guide contains th following example illustrating the use of named let:
(define (duplicate pos lst)
(let dup ([i 0]
[lst lst])
[(= i pos) (cons (car lst) lst)]
[else (cons (car lst) (dup (+ i 1) (cdr lst)))])))
> (duplicate 1 (list "apple" "cheese burger!" "banana"))
("apple" "cheese burger!" "cheese burger!" "banana")
I can see that i is initially bound to 0, but [lst lst] looks odd. The
equivalent letrec
(letrec ([proc-id (lambda (arg-id ...)
body ...+)])
(proc-id init-expr ...))
helps, because it shows that lst needs to appear (with some binding) to be
an argument to th elambda expression bound to dup. At least that's my
I don't use named let much (which is why I was looking it up), and so this
may not be a good example, but since this is The Guide, I wonder if
providing an example along the lines of
(define (factorial n)
(let fact ([i 0] [result 1])
(if (= i n)
(fact (+ i 1) (* (+ i 1) result)))))
first might make it seem a bit less mysterious. (Wow, that was all one
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