[plt-scheme] Multi-column list box control?
Yes! The columns labels are very obviously buttons under OS X, but
this is the general idea. I'll take a closer look at the code soon.
"It is never too late to become reasonable
and wise; but if the insight comes too late,
there is always more difficulty in starting
the change." -- Immanuel Kant
On Aug 30, 2008, at 4:47 PM, Stephen De Gabrielle wrote:
> are you thinking of something like this?
> ;;;
> #lang scheme/gui
> (require framework)
> (define column%
> (class vertical-panel%
> (init-field parent header rows)
> (super-new [parent parent])
> (define col-header-bt (new button% (parent this) [label header]
> (vert-margin 0) (horiz-margin 0)))
> (define make-tf (lambda (d) (list d (new text-field% (label #f)
> (parent this) (vert-margin 0) (horiz-margin 0)))))
> (define tf-cells (map make-tf rows))
> ;; set-cell : row-num val -> (or val #f)
> (define/public (set-cell row val)
> (when (member row rows)
> (send (cadr (assoc row tf-cells)) set-value val)
> )
> )
> (define/public (get-cell row)
> (when (member row rows)
> (send (cadr (assoc row tf-cells)) get-value)
> )
> )
> ))
> (define table%
> (class panel:horizontal-dragable%
> (init-field parent columns rows) ;; columns list of column headers
> (super-new [parent parent] [style '(border)])
> (define make-col (lambda (d) (list d (new column% (parent this)
> (header d) (rows rows)))))
> (define col-objects (map make-col columns)) ; listof (id column)
> ;; set-cell : row-num col-str val -> (or val #f)
> (define/public (set-cell row column val)
> (when (member column columns)
> (send (cadr (assoc column col-objects)) set-cell row val)
> )
> )
> (define/public (get-cell row column)
> (when (member column columns)
> (send (cadr (assoc column col-objects)) get-cell row)
> )
> )
> ))
> ;;testing
> (define f (new frame% [label "dir test"]
> [width 400]
> [height 200]))
> (define test (new table% (parent f) (rows '("1" "2" "3")) (columns
> '("a" "b" "c"))))
> (send test set-cell "3" "b" "val")
> (send f show #t)
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