[plt-scheme] about letrec and continuation : which behavior is correct ? and why ?

From: Matthew Flatt (mflatt at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Tue Aug 19 10:10:08 EDT 2008

At Tue, 19 Aug 2008 09:59:44 -0400, Matthias Felleisen wrote:
> Here is a proof that this must evaluate to #t.

I believe that matches the semantics of PLT Scheme's `letrec'.

The R5RS/R6RS `letrec' is different, and the result with that other
`letrec' should be #f:

(letrec ((x (call/cc list)))
   (if (pair? x)
       ((car x) (lambda () x))
       (pair? (x))))


(let ((x #f))
   (set! x (call/cc list))
   (if (pair? x)
       ((car x) (lambda () x))
       (pair? (x))))


(define x_0 #f)
  (set! x (call/cc list))
  (if (pair? x_0)
      ((car x_0) (lambda () x_0))
      (pair? (x_0)))))


(define x_0 #f)
  (set! x (list *E*))
  (if (pair? x_0)
      ((car x_0) (lambda () x_0))
      (pair? (x_0)))))

where *E* =
    (set! x_0 [])
    (if (pair? x_0)
        ((car x_0) (lambda () x_0))
        (pair? (x_0))))


(define x_0 (list *E*))

(if (pair? x_0)
    ((car x_0) (lambda () x_0))
    (pair? (x_0)))


(define x_0 (list *E*))

(if (pair? (list *E*))
    ((car x_0) (lambda () x_0))
    (pair? (x_0)))


(define x_0 (list *E*))

((car x_0) (lambda () x_0))


(define x_0 (list *E*))

(*E* (lambda () x_0))


(define x_0 (list *E*))

 (set! x_0 (lambda () x_0))
 (if (pair? x_0)
     ((car x_0) (lambda () x_0))
     (pair? (x_0))))


(define x_0 (lambda () x_0))

(if (pair? x_0)
    ((car x_0) (lambda () x_0))
    (pair? (x_0)))


(pair? (x_0))


(pair? ((lambda () x_0)))


(pair? x_0)


(pair? (lambda () x_0))



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