[plt-scheme] compiling from svn: undef'd symbol
I just did an svn up; cd src; make, and got the following error:
make mzschemecgc
mkdir -p PLT_MzScheme.framework/Versions/
gcc -o PLT_MzScheme.framework/Versions/ -framework
CoreFoundation -dynamiclib -all_load libmzscheme.a libmzgc.a -ldl -lm
ld: Undefined symbols:
/usr/bin/libtool: internal link edit command failed
make[4]: *** [PLT_MzScheme.framework/Versions/] Error 1
Indeed it looks like _scheme_init_place is not defined in libmzscheme.a:
$ nm mzscheme/libmzscheme.a | grep 'scheme_init_place'
U _scheme_init_place
$ uname -a
Darwin david-van-horns-computer.local 8.10.1 Darwin Kernel Version
8.10.1: Wed May 23 16:33:00 PDT 2007; root:xnu-792.22.5~1/RELEASE_I386
i386 i386
Is this a bug or have I done something wrong? Let me know if I can
provide any further info.