[plt-scheme] codeswarm
I am able to play the original .avi file with VLC. I recommend it for
watching .avi videos. But I just uploaded a higher-resolution version
to vimeo. You should be able to watch it fine there:
Both of those videos were generated without applying much effort, so
there are some obvious flaws (like the first minute of the video). All
I did was run 'svn log -v' on the trunk to get the revision history.
Some time soon I'll see if I can run it with the CVS history added to
get a more complete history of PLT.
- Sky O.
On Aug 10, 2008, at 12:43 PM, Matthias Felleisen wrote:
> Sky, I could display the standard codeswarm movies on my Mac but not
> yours. Any idea which component you have that could be missing from
> mine?
> On Aug 10, 2008, at 10:27 AM, Sky O'Mara wrote:
>> I was curious, so I downloaded codeswarm and gave it a quick run on
>> the plt subversion trunk. Here's the video:
>> http://homepage.mac.com/skyboy/plt-codeswarm.avi
>> It starts off a little weird, and not much happens for the first
>> minute or so. Then Eli pulls a bunch of files in and the activity
>> picks up. It's quite beautiful.
>> -Sky O.
>> On Aug 7, 2008, at 10:02 PM, Geoffrey S. Knauth wrote:
>>> Some day I'd like to see code_swarm run on the PLT tree.
>>> http://vis.cs.ucdavis.edu/~ogawa/codeswarm/
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