[plt-scheme] running an MzScheme debugger in Emacs?
On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 12:09 PM, Chongkai Zhu <czhu at cs.utah.edu> wrote:
> Why don't you use DrScheme?
I do use DrScheme, but there a whole bunch of features that I use in emacs
every day that I miss dearly, including:
(in no particular order)
- dyanmic abbreviation completion (M-/)
- spell checking
- dired
- the ability to split, join, and resize windows and look at two parts of
the same file at the same time - all by keystroke
- quick shell access
- the ablity to yank previously cut text
- quick buffer switching by keystroke
- subversion integration
- auto inserts
(I'm sure there are more, and most of them are invisible to me because I use
them so frequently)
Some of these might not seem like a big deal - but once you get used to
being able to hit M-$ to see if you spelled a variable right, you really
miss it when it's gone. In fact, I could probably give an impassioned plea
to add any of the above features to DrScheme...
Don't get me wrong - the debugging support in DrScheme is nothing short of
amazing. It's the best I've seen in any programming language or editor.
And like I said, I use it and enjoy it.
It's just that from an editing perspective, emacs nails quite a few things.
> Chongkai
> Benjamin L. Russell wrote:
>> Is there a way to run an MzScheme debugger in Emacs, similarly to the MIT
>> Scheme debugger in Edwin?
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