[plt-scheme] Comments on an alternate syntax for let?

From: Grant Rettke (grettke at acm.org)
Date: Sun Apr 6 23:58:26 EDT 2008

In the comp.lang.lisp post [The syntax of LET] by Jeff M, hed wondered
why the syntax of let wasn't simpler, like; (let (x 0 y 1 z 2) (+ x y
z)). Someone proposed he write a macro.

I wrote a macro for Scheme. May you please evaluate it? (no pun intended)

Here it is:

(define-syntax (my-let stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ (var val rest ...) exp1 exp2 ...)
     #'(let ([var val])
         (_ (rest ...) exp1 exp2 ...))]
    [(_ () exp1 exp2 ...)
     #'(let ()
         exp1 exp2 ...)]
     ((raise-syntax-error #f "at least one expression in the body is
required" stx))]
    [(_ (var) exp1 exp2 ...)
     (raise-syntax-error #f "binding list must be even" (syntax var))]))


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