[plt-scheme] How to write and read structs?
I'd like to write a list of structs to a file, then read it back, and then
access the structs as structs, not as vectors. What am I missing?
Do I need to write a vector to struct converter?
Here's an example:
;; test.scm
(define-struct point (x y) #f)
(with-output-to-file "test.txt"
(lambda () (write (list (make-point 0 1) (make-point 1 0))))
(define (points)
(let ((stuff '()))
(with-input-from-file "test.txt"
(lambda ()
(set! stuff (read))))
(car (points))
--> #(struct:point 0 1)
(point? (car (points)))
--> #f
Phil Rand
philrand at pobox.com