[plt-scheme] Re: saved window configurations
On Sep 25, 2007, at 8:24 AM, David Van Horn wrote:
> Chongkai Zhu wrote:
>> Geoffrey S. Knauth wrote:
>>> I often start DrScheme and open several tabs, opening specific
>>> files one by one into those tabs. Is there an automated way to
>>> do this?
>> DrScheme -> Edit -> Preference -> Editing -> General -> Checking
>> "open files in separate tabs (not separate windows) ".
> I don't think this is what Geoffrey was asking for, unless there is
> a way to open multiple files at once.
I betcha this would be a medium-easy tool to write. Here's how I'd
do it: the tool could add "save configuration" and "load
configuration" menu entries. Saving a configuration would just write
a bunch of paths to a file. "load configuration" could read selfsame
file and open corresponding tabs.
Alternatively, you could have a tool save these as a fresh preference
item; you'd lose the flexibility of having multiple configuration
files, but it would be one less thing to worry about. And yes, you
could probably just save them as drscheme exited.
Sounds neat!
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