[plt-scheme] BASE64(bytes) CR LF
Currently MzScheme does ...
> (require (lib "base64.ss" "net"))
> (base64-encode (string->bytes/utf-8 "ray"))
I would have expected #"cmF5".
Anyone know why it adds the extra \r\n suffix?
I don't see any advantage gained by it.
Currently I must strip it off when I use a base64-encoded value as a
http header value otherwise \r\n\r\n prematurely terminates the http
message and causes havoc with the http protocol.
(let* (
(hash64 (bytes->string/utf-8
(let ((enc (base64-encode (md5 bytes #f))))
(subbytes enc 0 (- (bytes-length enc) 2)))))
;; base64-encode adds a bogus \r\n
(mime "binary/octet-stream")
(datetime (rfc2822-date))
(url (make-object-url s3-resource))
(http-headers (list (date-header datetime)
(content-type mime)
(content-md5 hash64)
(authorization-header credentials
(aws-s3-auth-str "PUT" hash64 mime datetime '()
(s3-resource->string s3-resource))))))
(s3-response-from-port (s3-put url bytes http-headers))))
The s3-put procedure uses ("url.ss" "net") put-impure-port which
implicitly adds the \r\n to a given http-header making the base64 added
\r\n redundant and even unwanted.